Inspired by Iceland
Posted by Max Naylor on Monday, May 24, 2010
Well this will come as a relief for many. Scientists and top geology boffins are now claiming that activity surrounding the Eyjafjallajökull eruption has died down significantly and that the volcano under the glacier ‘appears dormant’.

According to measurements conducted by heat-sensitive cameras, the temperature inside the volcano has dropped to 100°C and that is just producing steam, rather than ash and lava. The measurements were taken by the Icelandic Met Office and University of Iceland.

A memo issued by the Met Office today confirms that the activity remains at minimal levels. The steam cloud which surrounds the eruption site contains no visible ash, and is around 2km in height. Levels of activity continue to decrease and are approaching those surrounding the area before the eruption. Earthquake activity has also dropped significantly; however one tremor from the volcano was detected last night.

No ashfall forecasts were issued today and no lightning has been detected by instruments. The civil defence department of the National Police Commission says that spirits have lifted in the Suðurland region and that optimism prevails among those who live in the areas surrounding the glacier. This will give farmers in these areas a period of (hopefully permanent) respite and the opportunity to get to work removing all that ash from their land.

Image: anjči


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