Inspired by Iceland
Posted by Max Naylor on Thursday, May 13, 2010
The activity surrounding the Eyjafjallajökull eruption shows little sign of slowing down, according to a report published by Morgunblaðið today. The volcanic activity, described as “steady” by the earth sciences department of the University of Iceland, doesn’t seem to be giving anything away about the possibility of the eruption ending any time soon. Looks like the person selling vials of the ashy stuff can look forward to a steady supply of stock for the foreseeable future.

Geologist Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson maintains that the eruption is a special one compared to others in Iceland, because of both its duration and the fact that activity has increased since it first began erupting. He also warns that people should prepare themselves for the fact that the eruption may take a long time to subside.

The volcano underneath Eyjafjallajökull is often described as Hekla’s little sister (herself described as the gateway to hell). One can only hope that she will not wake up her bigger sister with her rumblings any time soon, or not, depending on whether you are of a geological persuasion. Those of us with flights booked for the summer can take solace in the fact that flight rules in airspace containing volcanic ash were today relaxed in the UK.

Image: anjči

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